Dave Hakes' – Island Mode

"I must do something!" will always solve more problems than "Something must be done"

Found info on iPhone issue

Posted by delta on August 27th, 2008

I looked the issue up on the web and found that it is due to too many apps. The best guess-timate is that the less apps you have on the phone the less it will crash. People are saying to keep it below 3 windows, which (if they were full) would be 48 apps – I had 9 pages of 12 apps apiece (108 apps). I’m gonna try the four windows (43 apps) I have right now to see how it goes (I put all webapps in a bookmarks folder in Safari – so they are totally accessible, but not in the way)…

These are the four pages I have now – I’m kinda bummed cause the Cannon Challenge Game (totally cool waste of time, but my kids love watching me play it – so maybe not such a waste of time) kept crashing and I had to get rid of it – I’m glad that it was a free app! The apps on my iPhone are apps I found (within just three weeks) I can not work without (makes many things extremely easy)…

I’m glad I found the info cause I would have never guessed this issue. I was thinking it was a heat issue from the rubber cover I have for it – it’s like a super-bang-me-up-and-I-still-work cover. I love this thing and would hate to get rid of it! I took it off for a day yesterday and found the iPhone feeling more like a toy and less like a tool. After finding the info on the apps, I put this thing back on and it just feels a whole lot better in my hand now (that sounds wrong doesn’t it?)…

Anyway, we’ll see…

Oh Yeah! I found out how to take screen shots! Obviously…

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