Dave Hakes' – Island Mode

"I must do something!" will always solve more problems than "Something must be done"

Getting it all in order…

Posted by delta on April 1st, 2008

So, finally, bought a house in a central location. I can actually ride my bike/moped to most shows now. Cool…

So, finally, my wife is about to give birth to our #3. I can’t wait till the baby is here. Women don’t understand how hard it is to be the guy in this situation. Believe me, I know it’s all about you – don’t get me wrong here – but the waiting for the baby to come thing is stressful for us (guys) as well. Especially when you have a random schedule, with no backup, such as mine. Basically, I’m TD’ing a show for three weeks this month – my wife is due anytime, we do home birth (so I have to be there) and we need the money (so I have to be there too). I’ll be relieved when this baby is here!

So, finally, when all is in order, I will be able to start filming for my mauitech.tv idea. This weblog will become a vlog with a full-on podcast. The idea is to show the beauty of where I live, the customs and traditions, and somewhere in there I’m gonna show you everything about what I do for a living. I want visitors to my site to see first hand what equipment, venues, talent, and techs we have on the island – kinda like a living brochure…

For those of you who are missing my news updates, I’ll get them up sometime this week probably. I have a few months worth to put up…

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