Found it!!!
Posted by delta on June 4th, 2007
I finally got enough info from my inlaws to do their family tree, and got enough from my dad to do my grandma’s side of the tree…
Looks like my grandma’s family has actually been in America longer than my grandpa’s – kinda cool to know you have solid roots…
My wife’s family goes back almost as far, so my kids will know for sure that they are, in fact, completely American – none of that Irish-American, or German-American crap – once your family has been here for a certain amount of time, you’re just American!!!
I was stunned at how easy it was to find my wife’s descendant’s (the Sloan’s) – pretty crazy how some family’s simply keep up with it, and how freely they make the information available…
In 13 years my direct line, from Father to Son (as well as my Grandmother’s line), will have been American for 400 years. My Mom is Native American. So I’m nothing other than American…
Once I complete the tree for my kids, I’ll put it in .gpro format and put it up here for all to see. It’s amazing how far back most of our lines go – pretty impressive – I was really stunned…