Hakes Family Tree

Liudolf, Duke of the Eastern Saxons & Count of Eastphalia

Person Chart


Father Date of Birth Mother Date of Birth
Brun, 3rd Duke of Saxony 0786 Gisella 781

Person Events

Event Type Date Place Description
Birth 0805
Marriage 830
Nobility Title 844 he became a Count in the Duchy of Saxony...
Other Event 845 he and his wife went on pilgrimage to Rome...
Nobility Title 850 he became Duke of the Eastern Saxons and Count of Eastphalia...
Other Event 852 upon approval by Pope Sergius II he and his wife founded a house of holy canonesses dedicated to Pope Saints Anastasius and Innocent...
Death 12 Mar 0866


Fact Description
Ethnic Origin Ottonian Dynasty



German Saxony Dynasty