[Cole Stoner merge 2 Jan 22, 2001.FBK] Dr. Simon (2) Davis, son of Lieutenant Simon (l) Davis, was born in Concord October 12, 1661. He lived in Concord and was one of the most distinguished physicians of his day. He married (first) February 14,1689, Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Woodhouse, of Concord, and she died November 12, 1711. He married (second) Mary Wood. Children by first wife: John, mentioned below; Simon, born September 7, 1692, married Hannah Brown; Henry, February 23, 1694; Elizabeth, March 28, 1695, died in 1706; Mary, November 8, 1701; Samuel, March 6, 1703; Eleanor March 4, 1705; Peter, September 25, 1707, lived in Rutland. |