Hakes Family Tree

Capitan Cristobal Baca III / Dona Ana Maria De Arellano De Cordova Pacheco Ortiz


Name Place of Birth Date of Birth Place of Death Date of Death
Capitan Cristobal Baca III Tenochtitlán, New Spain 1567 Valencia, New Spain 1620


Name Place of Birth Date of Birth Place of Death Date of Death
Dona Ana Maria De Arellano De Cordova Pacheco Ortiz Tenochtitlán, New Spain 1563 Santa Fe, New Spain 1620


Name Place of Birth Date of Birth Place of Death Date of Death
Alonso Ortiz Baca Tenochtitlán, New Spain 1589 Santa Fe, New Spain 1662

Family Events

Event Type Date Place Description
Marriage 1582 Tenochitlán, New Spain